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有效延长 的使用寿命及正常运行。

来源://www.tsgtek.com 日期:2023-08-14 发布人:hongshun
关于 在商场的应用。以下是一些重要的注意事项:
The application of fireproof rolling shutter doors in shopping malls. Here are some important considerations:
材料选择:选择符合防火要求的高质量材料制造 ,确保其能够有效地抵御火灾蔓延。
Material selection: Select high-quality materials that meet the fire protection requirements to manufacture fireproof rolling shutter doors, ensuring that they can effectively resist the spread of fire.
表面处理: 的表面处理应采用耐高温、防腐蚀的涂层,以增加其防火性能和使用寿命。
Surface treatment: The surface treatment of fireproof rolling shutter doors should use high-temperature and corrosion-resistant coatings to increase their fire performance and service life.
定期检查和维护:定期对 进行检查和维护,包括检查门体是否完好无损,门轨是否正常运行,电气系统是否正常等。
Regular inspection and maintenance: Regularly inspect and maintain the fireproof rolling shutter door, including checking whether the door body is intact, whether the door rails are operating normally, and whether the electrical system is normal.
环境控制:商场内部的温度和湿度应根据 的要求进行控制,避免过高或过低的温度和湿度对其性能产生影响。
Environmental control: The temperature and humidity inside the mall should be controlled according to the requirements of fire resistant rolling shutter doors to avoid the impact of high or low temperature and humidity on their performance.
使用合适的包装材料:在商场运输和存放 时,使用适当的包装材料,以保护门体和附件不受损坏。
Use appropriate packaging materials: When transporting and storing fireproof rolling shutter doors in shopping malls, use appropriate packaging materials to protect the door body and accessories from damage.
添加干燥剂:在 的存放和使用过程中,可以适量添加干燥剂,以吸湿防潮,保持门体的干燥状态。
Adding desiccant: During the storage and use of fireproof rolling shutter doors, an appropriate amount of desiccant can be added to absorb moisture and moisture, and maintain the dry state of the door body.
控制温度和湿度:商场内部的温度和湿度应根据 的要求进行控制,避免过高或过低的温度和湿度对其性能产生影响。
Control temperature and humidity: The temperature and humidity inside the mall should be controlled according to the requirements of fire resistant rolling shutter doors to avoid the impact of high or low temperature and humidity on their performance.
总之,商场中使用 需要选择合适的材料,并进行定期检查和维护。同时,注意环境控制、使用合适的包装材料和添加干燥剂,可以有效延长 的使用寿命并确保其正常运行。
In short, the use of fireproof rolling shutter doors in shopping malls requires the selection of appropriate materials and regular inspection and maintenance. At the same time, paying attention to environmental control, using appropriate packaging materials, and adding desiccants can effectively extend the service life of fireproof rolling shutter doors and ensure their normal operation.
本文由关键词 友情奉献.更多有关的知识请点击:  //www.tsgtek.com/


推荐阅读/ Recommended reading

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