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首页>>新闻资讯>> 价格贵是因为什么?






来源://www.tsgtek.com 日期:2023-09-26 发布人:hongshun
普通卷帘门电机是普通的,而 电机是防火安全电机,所以带防火功能的电机肯定更安全,也更贵。
The ordinary rolling shutter door motor is ordinary, while the fire resistant rolling shutter door motor is a fire safety motor, so the motor with fire protection function is definitely safer and more expensive.
2.普通卷帘门有两种:手动卷帘门和电机控制。 的关键是电机控制,所以有电机控制的卷帘门肯定比手动卷帘门贵。
2. There are two types of ordinary roller shutter doors: manual roller shutter doors and motor control. The key to fireproof rolling shutter doors is motor control, so rolling shutter doors with motor control are definitely more expensive than manual rolling shutter doors.
3.普通卷帘门是独立的物理或电机电源开关,而消防卷帘门可以连接到所有建筑的消防安全监控。从控制范围来看,可以肯定的是,可控范围越广, 的价格越高。
3. Ordinary rolling shutter doors are independent physical or motor power switches, while fire rolling shutter doors can be connected to the fire safety monitoring center of all buildings. From the perspective of control range, it can be confirmed that the wider the controllable range, the higher the price of fireproof rolling shutter doors.
4.更重要的是,普通卷帘门的门帘是pvc的,而 的门帘是用阻燃材料填充的,用于保温。阻燃材料的卷帘门肯定比PVC材料的卷帘门贵。
4. More importantly, the curtains of ordinary rolling shutter doors are made of PVC, while the curtains of fireproof rolling shutter doors are filled with flame-retardant materials for insulation. Flame retardant rolling shutter doors are definitely more expensive than PVC rolling shutter doors.
The above is the content introduced by Jinan Rolling Curtain Door Factory. Thank you for taking the time to check our company's information content //www.tsgtek.com If you want to learn more, please feel free to call for consultation

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  • 宏顺卷帘门