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首页>>新闻资讯>> 与普通卷帘门有哪些区别?






来源://www.tsgtek.com 日期:2023-09-18 发布人:hongshun
As an indispensable fire and flame retardant product in buildings, fire-resistant rolling shutter doors are generally suitable for large fire compartments where fire-resistant doors cannot be used. This type of industrial door also has excellent fire performance.
一般来说,从外观上看,普通卷帘门与 的区别不大,但作为一种具有防火效果的 ,它有自己独特的特点。 主要由电机控制,而普通卷帘门由手动和电动控制,但两者虽然都由电机控制,区别在于一个使用防火电机,另一个使用普通电机。
Generally speaking, from the perspective of appearance, there is not much difference between ordinary rolling shutter doors and fire resistant rolling shutter doors. However, as a fire resistant rolling shutter door with fire resistance effect, it has its own unique characteristics. Fire resistant rolling shutter doors are mainly controlled by motors, while ordinary rolling shutter doors are manually and electrically controlled. Although both are controlled by motors, the difference lies in one using a fire resistant motor and the other using a regular motor.
从材料上看, 内部填充了阻燃隔热材料,而普通卷帘门为中空弧形。普通卷帘门是一个单独的物理或电机开关, 可以连接在整个建筑的消防控制。
From a material perspective, the interior of the fireproof rolling shutter door is filled with flame retardant and thermal insulation materials, while the ordinary rolling shutter door is a hollow arc. A regular rolling shutter door is a separate physical or motor switch, and a fireproof rolling shutter door can be connected to the fire control center of the entire building.
According to the requirements of the architectural design process, in addition to firewalls, if there are no firewalls, fire rolling shutters should also be installed between two fire compartments.
Fireproof rolling shutters are generally installed on closed evacuation stairs leading to walkways; Enclosed elevator lobbies, door cable shafts leading to the front room and walkways, garage door pipe shaft inspection doors, smoke exhaust ducts, garbage ducts, and other vertical pipe shafts. According to requirements, buildings are generally divided into fire zones and the firewalls and fire doors on the firewalls are controlled.
当建筑物内难以设置防火墙或防火门时,应改用 ,同时采用水幕保护,并按有关规定设置防火、防烟隔断门。根据国家标准, 还应配备备用电源。在没有主电源的情况下,也可以使用备用电源。
When it is difficult to install firewalls or fire doors in buildings, fire resistant rolling shutter doors should be used instead, and water curtains should be used for protection. Fire and smoke resistant partition doors should be set up in accordance with relevant regulations. According to national standards, fire resistant rolling shutter doors should also be equipped with backup power supply. In the absence of a main power supply, a backup power supply can also be used.
Of course, a fuse can also be installed on the door. When the temperature rises to a certain level, the internal metal sheets will be blown out. This type of door is not usually used. Open it every quarter and check if the relevant circuits, components, etc. are working properly.
When a malfunction occurs during use, the power should be immediately cut off to troubleshoot. Therefore, the setting position of the fireproof roller shutter must comply with relevant requirements.

推荐阅读/ Recommended reading

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  • 宏顺卷帘门