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来源://www.tsgtek.com 日期:2023-09-20 发布人:hongshun
Fireproof rolling shutter doors are widely used in fire compartments of industrial and civil buildings, effectively preventing the spread of fire and ensuring the safety of life and property. They are indispensable fire prevention facilities in modern buildings. It is a movable fireproof partition. Fireproof rolling shutters are essential facilities for modern building fire prevention, and have been included in the national fire protection design standards for buildings and other buildings.
Fire resistant rolling shutter doors are a type of fire and thermal insulation facility suitable for large openings in buildings. The product is designed with a scroll hidden inside and has a reasonable and compact structure. The fireproof roller shutter is lifted and lowered through a transmission device and control system. It plays a role in fire prevention and isolation, and the product has a flat and beautiful appearance, novel design, and strong rigidity.
Mainly suitable for high-end hotels, restaurants, libraries, cinemas, large shopping malls, stations, underground engineering, factory buildings, warehouses, garages, and other buildings.
按照传方式的不同分为两种:折叠提升式 和垂直卷绕式 ,没有垂直提升式防火卷帘这一种形式。
Fireproof rolling shutter doors can be divided into two types according to their transmission methods: folding and lifting fire-proof rolling shutter doors and vertical rolling fire-proof rolling shutter doors, without the form of vertical lifting fire-proof rolling shutter doors.
1、折叠提升式 是把帘面像叠被子一样叠在一个托板上,由 电机带动卷轴,卷轴卷绕钢丝绳或钢带,带动托板上下运动,实现卷帘门的上升与下降。
1. Folding and lifting type fireproof roller shutter door is a folding and lifting type fireproof roller shutter door that folds the curtain surface on a pallet like a quilt. The motor of the fireproof roller shutter door drives the roller, which winds the steel wire rope or strip, driving the pallet to move up and down, achieving the lifting and lowering of the roller shutter door.
2、垂直卷绕式则是将 帘面卷在封箱中的卷轴上,通过顺时针转动卷轴和逆时针转动卷轴实现 帘面的上升与下降。
2. The vertical winding type is to roll the fireproof rolling shutter door curtain surface onto the scroll in the sealed box, and achieve the rise and fall of the fireproof rolling shutter door curtain surface by rotating the scroll clockwise and counterclockwise.
3、折叠提升式 可以做得很长,且能实现非直线。适用于跨度不小于20米的消防洞口、弧形洞口、“L”型洞口、“U”型洞口和SLZS—04四方型,特别适用于大跨度及不规则空间场所,如商场扶梯、商场中庭、展览馆、机场候机厅、大型舞台剧场、会展等施工难度较大场所。
3. Folding and lifting fire resistant rolling shutter doors can be made very long and can achieve non linear operation. Suitable for fire exits, curved exits, "L" shaped exits, "U" shaped exits, and SLZS-04 square shaped exits with a span of no less than 20 meters, especially suitable for large span and irregular space places, such as shopping escalators, shopping atriums, exhibition halls, airport waiting halls, large stage theaters, exhibition centers, and other places with high construction difficulties.
What is the difference between a folding and lifting fireproof roller shutter and a vertical fireproof roller shutter?
Folding and lifting fireproof rolling shutter door
4、折叠提升式 的特点:
4. The characteristics of folding and lifting fire resistant rolling shutter doors:
折叠提升式 平时卷放在门窗洞口上方(或侧面)的封箱内,火灾发生时,将其放下或展开,用以阻止火势蔓延。折叠提升式防火卷帘是采用现代工业民用建筑智能型的特点,采用特殊工艺精制而成,产品质量达到GB 14102-2005标准要求。
Folding and lifting fire resistant rolling shutter doors are usually rolled up in the sealed box above (or on the side) of the door and window openings. In the event of a fire, they are placed or unfolded to prevent the spread of the fire. The folding and lifting type fireproof roller shutter is made using the intelligent characteristics of modern industrial and civil buildings, and is refined using special processes. The product quality meets the requirements of GB 14102-2005 standard.
折叠提升式 以无机防火隔热布作帘面,卷帘采用钢绳与滑轮作传动,并用折叠方式实现卷帘帘面升降,且跨度中间无需加立柱就能无限延长,在不规则的防火间隔分区中使用对保持建筑内部完整空间有良好的效果。
The folding and lifting type fireproof rolling shutter door uses inorganic fireproof and thermal insulation fabric as the curtain surface, and the rolling shutter uses steel ropes and pulleys for transmission. The folding method is used to achieve the lifting and lowering of the rolling shutter surface, and the span can be infinitely extended without the need for columns in the middle. Using it in irregular fire compartment zones has a good effect on maintaining the internal integrity of the building space.
(1) Solved the problem of increased disturbance and curvature of the fireproof roller shutter with increasing span.
(2) On the fireproof and thermal insulation of irregular buildings (such as arc shaped, "L" shaped, "U" shaped, and SLZS-04 square shaped), there is no need to add columns and roller shutter guide rails, which does not affect the decoration design and also reduces the decoration cost.
(3) Safe and reliable operation, smooth opening and closing, low noise, smooth and beautiful appearance.
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Thank you for reading. The source of this article is Jinan Rolling Curtain Door Factory. For more information and questions, please click //www.tsgtek.com We will continue to work hard to provide you with services. Thank you for your support!

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